1,000 Sex Games

Bored in the boudoir? Not anymore with 1,000 Sex Games, a treasure trove of titillating escapades to heat things up between the sheets. Start with a foreplay card for stripping, kissing or erotic feasting. Then pick a passion card to maximize pleasure during the main event. The sex cards you earn unlock a kama sutra of creative couplings and randy roleplaying scenarios guaranteed to push your buttons in all the right ways. If you're feeling really frisky, throw in a plot twist card for some spanking, body shots or other saucy surprises. With 1,000 games at your fingertips, your sex life will never be boring again. Who's up for a round of Strip Spinner followed by some Tantric Twister? The possibilities are endless and orgasmic. Game on!
Subtotal: $19.99

1,000 Sex Games


1,000 Sex Games


a perfect pairing